Sunday, February 13, 2011

How to fulfill your DREAMS?

Some tips if you want to pursue your dreams.

Dream big and make it happen. We only have one life, so if you are serious about that dream, do everything to turn it into reality. Work hard and pray harder, and you will achieve things beyond anything you can possibly imagine. People always wait for the perfect moment...but now is the perfect t moment. It's never too late or too early to follow your dreams.

Stay true to yourself and your values. People put so much pressure on themselves to emulate the cool kid on the block, unmindful that they have so much to offer this world that nobody else can. Show who you are! Sometimes you will be exposed to so many bad influences that is tempting to give in to peer pressure.But just stick to your guns; know what good or bad for you. As quotes by Judy Garland, "Be a first-rate version of yourself and not the second-rate version of someone else!"

Be strong! Never tell yourself I'm tired, the more you accept the thought, the more exhausted you'll become. But if you tell yourself, "I can do it whatever it takes!", you'll find that there are no limits to what you can accomplish. For God has never been tired of guiding you all the time.

Learn from past failures or mistakes. Everything happen for a reason, and everything works out for the best. Keep an open mind and welcome changes from plans as moments to learn and opportunities to grow. After being rejected over 30 times in my past application for a job, I felt despairing at first. But I took the rejections in stride, I never give up and I put my trust in God.

Appreciate God's blessings. We just didn't notice sometimes the everyday gifts that we take for granted. Take the time to step back and just give thanks to God for all of it.

Hope this may help you some in fulfilling your dreams. Just believe in yourself, don't give up, and always think positive. And always surround yourself with positive and passionate people. You can make it!

copyright @ 2011 by Mojari V.

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